Beginning Backyard Composting

This year we finally jumped on the backyard composting bandwagon. We’ve been wanting to make more eco-friendly choices around our home and decided a big step we could make would be trying to eliminate as much food waste going into our household trash as possible. | This post contains affiliate links |

Composting has a lot of benefits. Some of which include reducing the amount of decomposing matter filling our landfills as well as producing nutrient-rich garden soil to benefit your own yard and garden.

Getting Set Up

When it comes to composting, you could just make a pile in the corner of your yard or make your own bin with some scrap wood or fence. However, we decided to opt for a tumbler-style bin since we were looking for something compact, self-contained, and efficient.

Once you decide on your compost set-up it's important to add some good microbes to "get the party started" and create a good environment for breaking down your food and yard waste. To do this you can add a shovel-full of garden dirt from your own garden to introduce some microbes, or you can buy some specialty compost starter to add to your composter (just follow the package directions).


Once you have it set up, just keep on adding food/yard waste and periodically turn your compost over (by hand if yours is a pile or by spinning the drum if it’s a tumbler-style). The trickiest part for me is keeping the ratios right - ideally your compost pile should be about 1 part “greens” (these would be fruit/veggie scraps, coffee grounds, etc… I like to think of them as wet items) and 2 parts “browns” (leaves, newspaper, brown paper bags, etc… I like to think of them as dry items). We personally tend to teeter from too dry to too wet in our compost bin but it seems to average out eventually.

I typically toss our kitchen scraps in a bowl on the counter as I'm cooking and promptly empty it into the compost bin outside. This has worked well for us so far since the weather has been mild. Once it turns winter here I will probably invest in a kitchen countertop compost container so I don't need to walk outside across the icy/snowy yard several times a day, and instead can just empty the kitchen container into the outside compost bin periodically as it fills up.

What to Compost

Slimy spinach in your fridge? Toss it in the composter and then recycle the container!

Here’s a short list of things you can potentially compost:

  • fruit

  • vegetables

  • inedible portions of fruit/veggies (i.e. - rinds/cores)

  • coffee grounds

  • egg shells

  • disease-free, non-invasive plants

  • shredded newspaper

  • shredded brown paper bags

  • shredded paper (non-glossy)

  • untreated sawdust (I make a lot of ornaments for my Etsy shop and compost the sawdust)

  • toilet paper rolls

  • leaves, grass clippings

  • small sticks

The smaller you make the items in your compost bin (cut them up or shred them), the quicker they should decompose and compost.

What NOT to Compost

Do NOT Compost:

x plastic or household trash
x meat
x dairy
x cooked food
x glass or metal
x animal waste or used animal bedding/shavings
x invasive or diseased plant materials
- compost very strong smelling fruit/veggies with caution (i.e. citrus/bananas) if you live in an area with bears or raccoons that are an issue

Good luck in your composting adventure! I hope you enjoy the process and be proud in your efforts to be a little more eco-friendly in your home.

Disclaimer: I am sharing my experiences with what we’ve learned in the composting process so far. If you’d like expert or more detailed and specific information, I’d recommend contacting your local garden center or university cooperative for more information. Your local town or city may have composting programs to join or guidelines to follow too.

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One Year Later: How We Did on Our Goal to Use Less Plastic In 2020

In January of last year I wrote a post about how one of my big goals for the year was to use less plastic in our daily lives…. but then as you know, everyone’s daily lives changed a lot due to the Covid Pandemic. Even though it was a very strange year that changed our normal, we still made some good progress towards our goal to use less plastic. | This post contains affiliate links |

Follow Up Post:  How We Did on Our Goal to Use Less Plastic in 2020

Below are the improvements we planned to make in 2020, and how well we carried them out one year later… and how we could have done better:

  • Reusable Water Bottles. We did great with our goal to use reusable water bottles and not buy bottled drinks when out... it especially helped that we didn't go out much for most of the year, so drinking water at home was very easy.
  • Reusable Grocery Bags. Through March we used our reusable grocery bags for every trip, but once the Covid Pandemic started our state banned reusable bags in order to try to curb the spread of germs. They have since allowed reusable bags again, but many stores still won't use them at this time. So until the pandemic is over and everyone feels comfortable about reusable grocery bags again, we plan to ask for paper over plastic.
  • Reusable Produce Bags. This fell to the same fate as Reusable Grocery Bags above, and I have been just using the store-provided plastic produce bags. Though, I did write to the grocery store chain to ask them to make the switch to compostable produce bags... hopefully they will eventually.
  • Reusable Travel Mug for Coffee/Tea. This was quite easy again since we didn't go out much this year. We made a point to avoid unneccessary stops and we didn't stop at coffee shops much... instead, if we were going for a drive we would make our coffee at home and take it to-go in one of our own reusable mugs.
  • Silicone "Plastic" Bags. Last year I told myself I would purchase some reusable silicone plastic bags for our kids' lunch boxes once we started to get low on our plastic bags (we had a very large box of them), but then school was cancelled soon after that and we haven't had the need for them yet. However, I have since come across these Compostable Wax Paper Bags, and once school is open again I think I will probably use these until our kids are a bit older and I know they won't throw away the expensive silicone ones by accident.
  • Silicone "Plastic" Wrap. We ended up getting some Silicone Covers and have loved them - they work great for covering leftovers in the fridge or cut-up fruit and it saves us from using a lot of plastic wrap.
  • Glass or Metal "Tupperware". We were planning on waiting on this one as we still have very functional plastic Tupperware and don't need to replace it yet. Once we need some new containers we will make a point to get more eco-friendly, non-plastic options.
  • Sustainably Made Wooden Toys. Our kids are still loving and playing with the wooden toys they have gotten in the past. I don't think we added any new ones this year, but I still think that getting some heirloom quality, sustainably made wooden toys for young kids is a great idea.

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Giving Back - Who We Donated To This Year

A tradition I started four years ago was to donate a percentage of profits from Birch Landing Home at year-end to Charity.  I’m so happy to say that this year we were able to help support Gather NH as well as The Nature Conservancy. I chose to support Gather NH because food insecurity has become an issue for many more families this year due to the economical impact of the pandemic. I chose The Nature Conservancy because turning to nature and time outside has become such a saving grace for many during this time and it’s more important than ever to protect our natural resources.

Thank you so much for all your support this past year, it has definitely been a strange year for Birch Landing Home too with less Etsy sales (due to me temporarily pausing my Etsy storefront) and less partnerships and projects on the blog. Nevertheless, I am thankful for my Wholesale Accounts and continued traffic on my blog to make these donations happen. I hope to continue to grow Birch Landing Home and be able to give back more each year in return. Thank you all!

Giving Back - Who We Donated to This Year

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2020, What a Year...

It's been a year, huh?

2020, What a Year...

This year sure has been different, including for Birch Landing Home. This year there was no New England travel guides from day trips. I worked with far, far less brands than usual. I put my Etsy shop on hold for the time being. I also didn't do nearly as many DIY projects as I would like, for the simple reason I've been avoiding shopping in-stores as much as possible.
BUT instead of focusing on what I couldn't do, I tried to enjoy what we have: We are thankfully healthy. We had more time than ever at home, lots of quality time with our kids in our backyard, and time exploring local trails together. Lots of time working on our garden. Not taking for granted simple things like groceries and mail delivery. Appreciating family and friends so much more now that we can't be together, and looking forward to the day we can hug each other again.

2020 helped make us appreciate what we have, and I hope 2021 will better and brighter because of it. Wishing you all health and happiness in the New Year.
Best, Sarah

Some of Our Top Blog Posts of 2020:

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New England Maker: Rock Art by Grace Howe

As you know by now, I love sharing about companies and products we love on the blog and our Instagram - and most especially those made right here in New England.  Today on the blog in our New England Maker Series, I’m so excited to introduce you 11-year-old(!!) Grace Howe of Rock Art by Grace Howe - our youngest New England Maker by far! As a mom of girls myself, I find Grace so inspiring with her hard work ethic and entrepreneurial spirit.

Rock Art by Grace Howe

Rock Art by Grace Howe is best known for her fun and whimsical wall art made of natural stones, paint, and ink.

Tell me a little bit about yourself and your business.

My name is Grace Howe. I just turned 11 in October. I love nature, animals, making digital art, vintage campers, and so much more. I really want to live in a tiny house when I grow up and become an interior designer/art teacher. Making art is my favorite thing to do all the time!

Rock Art by Grace Howe

How did you start Rock Art by Grace Howe? Had you been making rock art for awhile or was this a new leap for you?

I started my business 3 years ago when I went on vacation to Maine. I saw this cool artwork made out of rocks in a storefront and thought it would be fun to try and create something similar. Before we left, my dad and I picked up some smooth flat rocks from the oceanfront and my mom was rolling her eyes because she didn’t know what I would do with ALL these rocks. When we got home my dad made some frames and I started making some rock art themes. They turned out pretty good, so I started selling them at Farmers Markets and fairs that I go to with my family's farm. Eventually I was able to create my own Instagram account and started selling at local storefronts. I currently sell my rock art year round at Gilford Country Store in Gilford, New Leaf in downtown Laconia, seasonally at Live Love Lake and Wolfeboro Artisan Barn both located in Wolfeboro NH, Concord Handmade on Main Street in Concord (November/December), and most recently I am located at the Beyond Gallery in Bennington VT.

What does a typical day look like for you when you work on your pieces?

When I get home from school, my mom has a snack for me and I usually check if I have any orders, respond to any messages or emails that I have received. I typically work on rock art designs in the evenings. I usually work in phases. Paper and glue frames, sort rocks by size, design and create, sign and put hangers and tags on. I have swim practice three days a week, so any orders that I need to put in the mail, I take them on the way so I can get them out quickly. This may also include a trip to the bank to deposit my earnings.

Rock Art by Grace Howe

What is your favorite part about running your own business? And least favorite part?

Rock Art by Grace Howe

My favorite part about my business is seeing happy customers and seeing how many states and countries my rock art is shipped to. I also love to update my favorite Fed-Ex and bank tellers on my progress. My least favorite part is having so many customers at once that it gets very frustrating to get all the orders done and on time. When “famous” people give me a shout out on social media, orders tend to pour in all at once. Most of the time, orders are made to order. I don’t generally have a stockpile of rock art.

What has been the most exciting moment for Rock Art by Grace Howe since you started?

The most exciting moment for Grace’s Rock Art was achieving my $10,000 car goal! It took me 3 years, but I am so happy that I succeeded. Another one was getting a letter from Dave Ramsey saying to keep up the good work! My parents have taught me about saving, spending, and giving. I have donated to several organizations that I am passionate about with funds from my business.

Rock Art by Grace Howe

What advice do you have for kids just starting out in their own business?

Be patient. There are a lot of things that go on during your first few years of starting your business. You learn what goes right and wrong and what works best for you. It takes a lot of time to get the flow of it. My parents and our family’s farm have really taught me about how to be successful. I am currently helping two other friends learn about the ins and outs of how to start.

What is your long-term goal? Where do you see yourself in five years?

In 5 years I will be buying that first car I saved for because I will be 16. My personal goal is to buy a vintage camper and make it my mobile rock art store. I love vintage campers! Maybe I’ll have a website too and I won’t have to have a typical job someone who’s 16 has; I can continue to earn income from being an artist.

Rock Art by Grace Howe

Who’s one of your favorite New England Makers?

Some of my favorite art makers in New England are Dan Tavis, @dantavis. He is a watercolor, digital artist, and illustrator. He has been one of my biggest fans. He is very inspiring with his work. He sells prints, calendars, books he illustrated and original art works. I have an original Dan Tavis that I purchased from the sales of my business. I think it’s important to support local artists. Two others are my swim coach Liz McBride @elmacb who creates unique nature inspired pottery and Natalie Robitaille @handmade_by_nattie who makes the most incredible pillows and now facemasks thanks to COVID-19.

Rock Art by Grace Howe

Keep Up with Rock Art by Grace Howe

| Instagram | Shop Locally in New England at: Gilford Country Store, New Leaf, Live Love Lake, Wolfeboro Artisan Barn, Concord Handmade, + Beyond Gallery |

All photos courtesy of Rock Art by Grace Howe.

Please drop me a note.  

More Interviews from New England Makers:

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Taking Advantage of At-Home Courses During COVID

Just a quick PSA that if you were ever considering taking a class or course in something but the schedule or distance put you off, to look into it again. So many courses out there that were in-person only have been converted to online-based during the pandemic. College courses, continuing education, licensing for various things, etc. Of course not everything is available online now but a lot is, making it more accessible than ever - so stop putting it off and get to it, whether it’s something personal or professional.

Taking Advantage of At-Home Courses During COVID

What courses have I done, you ask? Well, nothing too crazy - but I was able to finally check a few personal goals off of my list. For years I’ve been wanting to get my OHRV (Off-Highway Recreational Vehicle) License and Boating Safety License but never seemed to find the time to line up taking the courses on a weekend. However our state is now letting you complete these online which was great, so over the summer I was able to complete both of them as well as my Paddling Safety Certificate (for canoeing/kayaking) all online and at my leisure which was wonderful.

I really enjoyed finally checking these courses off of my to-do list and hopefully you will find something you’ve been wanting to accomplish available online too!

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Backyard Camping Tradition During Quarantine

We’re still social-distancing very seriously but all our favorite outdoor spaces (hiking trails, lakes, beaches, camping areas, etc) have been totally overrun lately with people looking for a change of scenery. This unfortunately makes it impossible to social-distance safely, so we tend to just stay home. | This post contains affiliate links |

In order to make our weekends more special we started a weekend tradition early on during Quarantine to “camp at home” every weekend. During the colder months and bad weather, this meant camping in our living room every Saturday night with sleeping bags and staying up late watching a family-friendly movie. Sunday mornings we make a special breakfast, usually of pancakes or egg sandwiches.

Backyard Camping

Now that the weather is warmer, we’re doing more backyard camping. Our large tent is nice and roomy for all of us to spread out - and the extra large screen areas on the top mean we can leave the rainflap off in nice weather so we can see the stars and watch the fireflies (which is what we typically do). It feels really magical and the kids love it!
When we set up the tent we typically try to camp for at least two nights in a row to get more out of it.

(Pro-tip: Put a doormat outside your tent to help keep grass and sand from getting tracked in - We purchased our mat from one of our favorite companies, Maine Rope Mats.)

Backyard Camping

We may be stuck at home, but that doesn’t mean we still can’t make special memories. I hope you can find a fun tradition to start at home during this time too - stay well!

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Early July Garden Tour

So our garden isn’t magazine-worthy (and it definitely could use a good weeding - the spot by the gate gets so over-run with crab grass I can never seem to keep up) - but it’s been doing really well this year and I thought I would give a quick tour and share some things we’ve been doing in our Victory Garden. New England, Zone 4-5. | This post contains affiliate links |

Early July Garden Tour
Early July Garden Tour

Our garden is approximately 12x24 feet. My husband built the enclosure seven years ago with split-rail fence lined with garden wire fencing (to help keep critters out) and then designed and built the gate himself - the gate is absolutely my favorite part! At the front of the garden I inlayed bricks and pavers (all of which we had on our property left over from the previous owner years ago) to create a little stepping stone walkway leading up to the entrance of the garden and a small flower bed on each side.

Inside the garden everything was planted from seed and directly sown into the ground mid-May with the exception of the Rhubarb plant (it’s a perennial) and the Tomato plants (I purchased them as seedlings from a local garden center).

For fertilizer we put a few bags of composted cow manure in before rototilling in the spring, and then after planting the seeds I sprinkled a small amount of 10-10-10 Fertilizer across the garden.

Early July Garden Tour

In each of the front flower beds I planted Catmint which is a perennial and a great pollinator plant! The blooms attract lots of bees and butterflies and help encourage pollination in the vegetable garden. I also just love how wild and cottage-y they look. They’re also very drought tolerant and hardy - a great no-care plant once they’re established.

Soon I would like to also get some type of Mason Bee House to add to the garden to further ecourage pollinators to come to the garden.

Early July Garden Tour

Just inside the garden, along either side of the front, I planted Snap Peas against the fence so they would have something to climb. I also planted Carrots along this front area on each side as well.

When I directly sow the seeds into the ground, I usually stake the empty seed packet with a twig (seen above for the Snap Peas), to mark where I’m planting and so I can reference when the seeds should start to sprout, mature, etc as they grow. Now that my plants are mature I could take all these out but I haven’t just yet.

Early July Garden Tour

The Zucchini plants are huge this year! Right up to the top of the fence… though I do need to thin out some of the lower leaves on the ground soon for better air flow and access for pollinators (it also can help keep your plants from getting disease/mildew from the ground too).

Early July Garden Tour

Here are my Summer Squash plants, which are a bit smaller than the Zucchini ones but doing really well overall. I also need to thin out some of the lower leaves on these as well.

Early July Garden Tour

Spinach are cold weather plants and these ones pictured above are sadly done (I actually pulled them out after I took these photos). Once it starts getting hot they tend to “bolt” or grow upwards really fast and flower. Once they do that the leaves are bitter and don’t taste good. This spinach crop is done for now - though I will try to plant more Spinach late summer/early fall to get another harvest in the Fall.

Early July Garden Tour

Cucumbers are doing well too. It's a bit hard to see in this photo but I made a small trellis out of Bamboo Stakes and twine for them to grow on. The trellis may look flimsy, but bamboo is actaully really strong (and eco-friendly) so it's great to use in the garden to help support plants.

Early July Garden Tour

Along the back I have several Tomato plants growing, both cherry tomato and slicing tomato varieties; behind these along the fence I also have some Sunflowers growing too.

Early July Garden Tour

Now for the “showstopper” of the garden - our Rhubarb plant! This is definitely the plant that gets the most interest and questions about in our garden because it’s so big. Rhubarb is a perennial and will come back each year - so make sure to plant it somewhere out of the way where it will have room to grow. We planted this one in the back corner of our garden and marked the area with a stake so we don’t rototill over it in the spring.

While I’m honestly not a huge fan of Rhubarb myself (it’s very sour), growing it is a tradition in our family… when I was growing up we had a very large garden with at least 16 Rhubarb plants. We had so much Rhubarb that we would pick literally garbage bags full of it to give to neighbors and people at Church.

Early July Garden Tour

I transplanted this Rhubarb plant from my parents’ garden so I’m not sure on the variety… though from reading around online I’m guessing it’s some type of Canadian or Siberian variety. It can get very large with thick stalks and leaves over two feet across. If you decide to grow Rhubarb, make sure to read up on how to harvest it - you don’t want to over-pick the plant and the leaves are inedible (they’re actually somewhat toxic), it’s just the stalks that can be used.

Early July Garden Tour
Early July Garden Tour
Early July Garden Tour

Across the yard we also have some wine barrels that we’re using for an herb garden. Some of the more hardy herbs (Chives, Garlic Chives, Peppermint, Oregano) come back yearly, despite the fact the wine barrels freeze solid in the winter. I bought the blank slate garden markers on Amazon (and here is the how-to post on how I made them).

Early July Garden Tour

This year we also added two blueberry bushes to our landscaping since we didn’t have any fruit trees or bushes yet. It’s recommended to have two different varieties of blueberry bushes to encourage cross-pollinating and better fruit production, so we planted two different kinds near each other. We are already getting a few large berries from them which is very exciting! Here’s hoping they continue to do well in the years to come.

And that’s our little garden tour - thanks so much for following along! I’m no expert by any means, but if you have any questions please let me know.

Happy gardening!

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