Happy 2020! Goals for the New Year

Happy New Year! Can’t believe a new year is here already. Overall 2019 was great and here’s hoping 2020 is even better and more productive! This morning we went out to breakfast with family and then the kids and I went on a short snowshoe hike, which was a fun start to the New Year!

I have several personal and professional goals for 2020 and thought I’d share a few of them:

  • Learn to ski. Even though I’m a life-long New Englander, we didn’t grow up doing winter sports so I never learned. Now that our kids are learning (and doing amazing) I need to catch up ASAP!

  • Use less plastic. We already make an effort to recycle as much as possible and not be wasteful but watching the documentary “Broken: Recycling Sham” on Netflix was eye-opening. So much of what people put in the recycling bin ends up in landfills or the ocean in the end, as a lot of plastic is too difficult or expensive to recycle and it’s sorted out and discarded. (PS - if you haven’t watched this documentary yet, I highly recommend it!)

  • Purge, purge, purge. Every year I have a renewed sense of motivation to go through our house and purge un-needed items. It feels so good to get rid of things you don’t need and make your house a little “lighter” and cleaner. After the holidays our house feels too heavy again, so it’ll be good to go through toys, books, etc and reevaluate what is getting used, what has been outgrown, and what is no longer needed.

  • Post more regularly. This last year I’ve just been feeling busy with the day-to-day… and the blog wasn’t updated as much as it should have been. I want to be better about sharing DIY projects and our day trips around New England, and hopefully 2020 will be much more consistent and productive!

Do you have any goals for 2020? I would love to hear them!

First Day Hike - 2020!

First Day Hike - 2020!

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